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编辑整理:陕西自考网 发表时间:2018-05-23 12:26:58   字体大小:【   【添加招生老师微信】



Lesson Three  Beijing Rising


  1.economic heavyweight 举足轻重的经济强国

  2.commercial hub 商业活动中心

  3.Per capita 人均

  4.Gross National Product 国民生产总值

  5.punitive import tariff 惩罚性进口关税

  6.securities 有价证券

  7.real estate market 房地产市场

  8.“ Greater China”trade bloc “大中华”贸易集团

  9.conglomerate 跨行业公司

  10.consortium 国际财团

  11.GATT:General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 关贸总协定


  1.jockey: move

  2.is bustling with: is filled with

  3.giddy: dizzy; euphoric

  4.farfetched: improbable; incredible

  5.clear: earn a net profit

  6.deal a hard blow t strike heavily

  7.rung: level

  8.retaliation: return of ill treatment for ill treatment; revenge; reprisal

  9.career out of control: run out of control


  1. A farfetched prediction? The new American administration doesn‘t think so. Bill Clinton has appointed China hands to top Asia posts at the state and Treasury departments. When critics called the appointments a slight to Japan, the leading Pacific economic power, U.S. Deputy Treasury Secretary Roger Altman explained the administration’s reasoning: by early in the next century, he said ,China may replace Japan in importance to the U.S. as an economic partner. Japan recognizes the rise of China. As a warning shot in an intensifying rivalry, Tokyo last week put punitive import tariffs on Chinese steel.


  2.With the U.S. Congress due to consider the renewal of China“s most-favored nation trade status in June, officials in Beijing fear the trade imbalance could surpass human rights as a source of U.S. opposition to










整理:陕西自考网 时间:2018-05-23 12:26:58   浏览( 



Lesson Three  Beijing Rising


  1.economic heavyweight 举足轻重的经济强国

  2.commercial hub 商业活动中心

  3.Per capita 人均

  4.Gross National Product 国民生产总值

  5.punitive import tariff 惩罚性进口关税

  6.securities 有价证券

  7.real estate market 房地产市场

  8.“ Greater China”trade bloc “大中华”贸易集团

  9.conglomerate 跨行业公司

  10.consortium 国际财团

  11.GATT:General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 关贸总协定


  1.jockey: move

  2.is bustling with: is filled with

  3.giddy: dizzy; euphoric

  4.farfetched: improbable; incredible

  5.clear: earn a net profit

  6.deal a hard blow t strike heavily

  7.rung: level

  8.retaliation: return of ill treatment for ill treatment; revenge; reprisal

  9.career out of control: run out of control


  1. A farfetched prediction? The new American administration doesn‘t think so. Bill Clinton has appointed China hands to top Asia posts at the state and Treasury departments. When critics called the appointments a slight to Japan, the leading Pacific economic power, U.S. Deputy Treasury Secretary Roger Altman explained the administration’s reasoning: by early in the next century, he said ,China may replace Japan in importance to the U.S. as an economic partner. Japan recognizes the rise of China. As a warning shot in an intensifying rivalry, Tokyo last week put punitive import tariffs on Chinese steel.


  2.With the U.S. Congress due to consider the renewal of China“s most-favored nation trade status in June, officials in Beijing fear the trade imbalance could surpass human rights as a source of U.S. opposition to



