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编辑整理:陕西自考网 发表时间:2018-05-24 06:23:04   字体大小:【   【添加招生老师微信】



Part One

I. Vocabulary and Structure ( 10 points, 1 point for each item)

1. The winner in the general election is almost certain to be _____ the Republican or the Democratic nominee.

A. both  B. either  C. neither  D. not only

2.  Such attitudes amount to a recognition _____ leisure should be put to good use.

A. where  B. what  C. which  D. that

3. Even with the new development in research, only a tiny ______ of all tests are done without using animals.

A. variety  B. amount  C. plenty  D. proportion

4. The Netherlands is the only country in Europe which permits euthanasia, _____ it is not technically legal there.

A. if  B. otherwise  C. although  D. unless

5. Mrs. Weinstein bravely and persistently used every skill she had to _____ her attacker not to take her life.

A. convince  B. convey  C. contact  D. consult

6. Daydreaming improves a person’s ability to _____ more readily with new ideas.

A. show up  B. put up with  C. come up  D. take up

7. On average about £5000 a year is spent on each private school pupil, ______ the amount spent on state school pupils.

A. as twice as  B. twice more as 

C. more than twice  D. more twice than

8. To a worker, _____ from the point of view of society is necessary labor is from his own point of view voluntary play.

A. what  B. which  C. that  D. it

9. Long life is altering our society, of course, but in experiential ______.

A. items  B. terms  C. turns  D. themes

10. A man flown to a time zone different by 10 hours will ______ eight days to readjust his palm sweat.

A. spend  B. take  C. cost  D. pay

Ⅱ. Cloze Test ( 10 points, 1 point for each item)

Great artists and great scientists are similar in that they both use the two sides of their brain. It is well known that Albert Einstein,  11  a great scientist, also enjoyed art, playing the violin and sailing. Einstein said his scientific discoveries grew from his imagination  12  from analysis, reason and language. The story goes  13  Einstein was daydreaming one summer’s day  14  sitting on a hill. He imagined that he was riding on sunbeams to the far distance of the universe.  15  he found that he had returned to the sun. So he realized that the universe must curve. He got this  16  by using his imagination. He then used the left side of brain to  17  analysis, number and reason. And finally he used language to explain it.

Traditional,  18  education in schools encourages us to use the left-hand side of our brains. Language, number, analysis and reason are given more importance in our schools than imagination and daydreaming.  19  , we are encouraged to leap when we have two perfectly good legs! Then why don’t we give more  20  to visual thinking?

11. A. as  B. for  C. with  D. to

12. A. other than  B. more than  C. better than  D. rather than

13. A. when  B. which  C. that  D. what

14. A. while  B. until  C. though  D. as if

15. A. And  B. But  C. So  D. Then

16. A. story  B. idea  C. figure  D. pattern

17. A. supply  B. apply  C. reply  D. imply

18. A. establish  B. to establish  C. established  D. establishing

19. A. Therefore  B. Moreover  C. Indeed  D. However

20. A. value  B. vision  C. voice  D. view

Ⅲ. Reading Comprehension ( 30 points, 2 points for each item)










整理:陕西自考网 时间:2018-05-24 06:23:04   浏览(16) 



Part One

I. Vocabulary and Structure ( 10 points, 1 point for each item)

1. The winner in the general election is almost certain to be _____ the Republican or the Democratic nominee.

A. both  B. either  C. neither  D. not only

2.  Such attitudes amount to a recognition _____ leisure should be put to good use.

A. where  B. what  C. which  D. that

3. Even with the new development in research, only a tiny ______ of all tests are done without using animals.

A. variety  B. amount  C. plenty  D. proportion

4. The Netherlands is the only country in Europe which permits euthanasia, _____ it is not technically legal there.

A. if  B. otherwise  C. although  D. unless

5. Mrs. Weinstein bravely and persistently used every skill she had to _____ her attacker not to take her life.

A. convince  B. convey  C. contact  D. consult

6. Daydreaming improves a person’s ability to _____ more readily with new ideas.

A. show up  B. put up with  C. come up  D. take up

7. On average about £5000 a year is spent on each private school pupil, ______ the amount spent on state school pupils.

A. as twice as  B. twice more as 

C. more than twice  D. more twice than

8. To a worker, _____ from the point of view of society is necessary labor is from his own point of view voluntary play.

A. what  B. which  C. that  D. it

9. Long life is altering our society, of course, but in experiential ______.

A. items  B. terms  C. turns  D. themes

10. A man flown to a time zone different by 10 hours will ______ eight days to readjust his palm sweat.

A. spend  B. take  C. cost  D. pay

Ⅱ. Cloze Test ( 10 points, 1 point for each item)

Great artists and great scientists are similar in that they both use the two sides of their brain. It is well known that Albert Einstein,  11  a great scientist, also enjoyed art, playing the violin and sailing. Einstein said his scientific discoveries grew from his imagination  12  from analysis, reason and language. The story goes  13  Einstein was daydreaming one summer’s day  14  sitting on a hill. He imagined that he was riding on sunbeams to the far distance of the universe.  15  he found that he had returned to the sun. So he realized that the universe must curve. He got this  16  by using his imagination. He then used the left side of brain to  17  analysis, number and reason. And finally he used language to explain it.

Traditional,  18  education in schools encourages us to use the left-hand side of our brains. Language, number, analysis and reason are given more importance in our schools than imagination and daydreaming.  19  , we are encouraged to leap when we have two perfectly good legs! Then why don’t we give more  20  to visual thinking?

11. A. as  B. for  C. with  D. to

12. A. other than  B. more than  C. better than  D. rather than

13. A. when  B. which  C. that  D. what

14. A. while  B. until  C. though  D. as if

15. A. And  B. But  C. So  D. Then

16. A. story  B. idea  C. figure  D. pattern

17. A. supply  B. apply  C. reply  D. imply

18. A. establish  B. to establish  C. established  D. establishing

19. A. Therefore  B. Moreover  C. Indeed  D. However

20. A. value  B. vision  C. voice  D. view

Ⅲ. Reading Comprehension ( 30 points, 2 points for each item)








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